Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hey guys ! Long time no post and who wants to know why? Lol. Anyways, to summarize my excuses, I just wanted to really get my beauty blog going as soon as possible. Despite my rough holiday weekend (I was sick ]: ), I am managing to make a post. Now, this post isn't anything special but it is just to explain it briefly prior to getting to some details. This post is solely about my recent freelance makeup kit haul.

I have been trying to get started on my freelancing business. It is kind of a long story but I would like to share my journey into becoming a great Freelance Makeup Artist! ( I hope ) Ever since I started on obsessing with makeup, I am nowhere near on starting a Freelance Makeup Kit. I do not even have a train case. How sad is that? Anyways, this is going to be my first in a very long time..It is also going to be my first post regarding anything about freelancing! So, I am pretty excited because I am incorporating makeup with web design, which is, to me, the BEST of both worlds. I love everything about makeup, I am practically obsessed with it. And I also love web designing and learning about it.

Alright, to begin this post, I am going to show you the recent things I have bought that is going towards my makeup kit. I am going in no particular order except for the fact that I did buy most of the products from Walmart and Sally's Beauty Supply. Still, I won't go in that order. I will show you each product randomly and will state where I got it. So I hope you guys enjoy this post and of course if you have and questions or feedbacks, feel free to leave them below. Thank you.

So one of the first things that bought are some cotton balls. I figured these would be needed for various reasons - one of them being for applying toner. You can also use one of these to remove makeup from the eyes or from a certain area. I have also decided to place them in a zip lock bag because the original back is HUGE. It would probably take up space on my whole train case - lol. Whether you need them or not, it is just better to have them just in case. Many of Freelance Makeup Artist gave advice to come prepared instead of not being prepared at all. By the way, I got this from Walmart and they come in a good quantity. It would probably last me a lifetime or two.

The next item that I bought are some Q-TIPS (shown above). Now, automatically I know that these come in handy when it comes to makeup kits because I also use them for my personal kit. Although, I only use the regular q-tips, I bought some cosmetic ones. These are pretty cool and special because on one side has a pointy tip, the other side has some sort of flathead tip. I believe they'll come in handy for situations like erasing an eyeliner or a mascara that was mistakenly applied on the lid. Just for various reasons, the pointy qtip should get into certain crevices you can't normally get into with a normal qtip so they are pretty awesome !

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