Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Hey guys ! Long time no post and who wants to know why? Lol. Anyways, to summarize my excuses, I just wanted to really get my beauty blog going as soon as possible. Despite my rough holiday weekend (I was sick ]: ), I am managing to make a post. Now, this post isn't anything special but it is just to explain it briefly prior to getting to some details. This post is solely about my recent freelance makeup kit haul.

I have been trying to get started on my freelancing business. It is kind of a long story but I would like to share my journey into becoming a great Freelance Makeup Artist! ( I hope ) Ever since I started on obsessing with makeup, I am nowhere near on starting a Freelance Makeup Kit. I do not even have a train case. How sad is that? Anyways, this is going to be my first in a very long time..It is also going to be my first post regarding anything about freelancing! So, I am pretty excited because I am incorporating makeup with web design, which is, to me, the BEST of both worlds. I love everything about makeup, I am practically obsessed with it. And I also love web designing and learning about it.